17 December 2014

SunStock Interviews Ben Barbic

Ben Barbic has a fairly large catalogue of success under his belt. There's a reason for that. His music is bloody good! 
A fusion of genres you wouldn't usually expect to work together. His sound has the true rawness of acoustic music but the energy and passion of a hip-hop artist.
I was lucky enough to get an insight into the making of the music!

Where did your passion for music rise from?
I have always found music to be my creative release. Back when I was 5 years old I started recording my voice singing over songs and making little stories or dialogs. I always was into singing and remember about 6 or 7 years old watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon called “Hillbilly Hare” where he was basically flowing over the beat and from that moment on I was completely hooked. I started walking around the house making up my own rhymes and literally knew this was something I was good at and needed to push as far as I could.

Your music is a blend of a whole host of genres, all of them often considered quite different. How have you found yourself fusing these styles together?
I take songs where they need to go. I could start with a hiphop song and by the end it’s acoustic with little or no beat behind it. Really it’s the lyrics that tend to dictate where the music will end up.

What’s your songwriting process?

I wait for inspiration to strike. Where ever I am or what ever I am doing if that inner voice say to start writing I will get into the studio as fast as possible to capture the essence of the feeling which turns into a song. Usually I begin with a simple beat just to get the lyrics out and come up with the chorus. After that it’s about making the rest of the song which takes the longest. Lyrics will be rewritten until I feel like the message I am trying to give is finally achieved. When I feel it is finally there I will either mix and master and put it out or maybe look to a good friend of mine who is a bassist and guitarist to give it the polish it needs.

What success story are you itching to talk about?
A song titled “Radio” opened the door to my songs getting played on the radio. It’s ironic to hear the song “Radio” on the radio because it’s actually about not listening to the radio since it all sounds the same and watered down. That was the first song that got picked up. So to hear my song “Radio” on the radio was a great moment and just started the fast increase in radio plays and peoples awareness about my music. Now various songs have been on the radio in the US, Canada, Europe, Indonesia, and South America. So that first play has opened a lot of doors and made me excited for what is ahead.

Where do you see yourself taking your music in the future?
I see my music progressing forward as I keep making connections and creating music with an ever increasing list of talented musicians. I truly believe that the sky's the limit and I just need to stay grounded and authentic as this next phase unfolds.

Are there any projects coming up that we should look out for?
There are! I am finalizing the details of a four song package to be produced by an amazing producer who I truly respect for his accomplishments and insight into the art of making a great song. When these songs get released it will be one of the proudest moments of my musical career and I can’t wait to share them with the world.

What are your main inspirations behind your music? Are there any particular experiences that stand out to where you’ve just HAD to write a song about it?
The inspirations are found within my own struggles to achieve success  and setbacks along the way. For example, I know that there is no choice but to pursue my music career  for the rest of my life. This is what I am here to do. So from that I get inspired to make a song like “I Rise” which is basically saying no matter what I will not give up on my music. This is what I live for .

Where can we find you on social media?
You can find me on twitter @benbarbic ,facebook benbarbicmusic,
Soundcloud benbarbic , and Instagram benbarbic.

I want to thank you Amy for your Interview! It was a great experience and I look forward to talking again soon.


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