15 July 2014

We're back in business!

After a fatal incident between a laptop and a concrete floor and what seemed like a long wait for the arrival of a replacement, we finally have a laptop to work from!
And it's not just any old laptop either, oh no, this is a MacBook Pro. This is business.
So, give us a few days to get the bearings and all that jazz, and we'll be up and running again very soon.
Over the next day or so, all the music sent into SunStock will be sorted through again and reassembled into podcasts ready for the reboot next Monday.
Reviews will hopefully begin again in a short while and before long you'll have forgotten this hiccup ever happened!

Thank you very much for your cooperation and patience.

This is practically a one man show, things can get difficult at times, but we're getting there.

All the best from the SunStock Team!

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